This sweet mom sent me these touching words after receiving her gallery: “I knew that your photos were amazing, but I didn’t know they could be THIS amazing! They are so beautiful that I almost don’t recognize myself, and I never knew my own life could have so many sweet, happy moments too! You helped us see our own existence through a third eye. These are the ‘highest’ moments but also the truest moments. What you do is so meaningful, capturing all these joyful moments which help us become more aware of our happiness. At least my heart felt so much softer and happier after seeing our photos!” <3

这位妈妈在看到照片之后,给我发来了这样的肺腑之言:“我知道您拍得好,但不知道可以这么好!一看照片,简直是“别人家”的幸福生活,不晓得其实自己的生活就可以有这么甜美幸福的许多瞬间。您就像第三只眼睛看我们,帮助我们看到自己的存在状况。虽然只是最high的moments,毕竟也是真实的moments. 幸福感陡增。所以您捕捉喜悦幸福的时刻,真的是特别有意义的事情。直接影响内在的幸福感。至少,我出您们家门,比进去的时候,内心柔软,幸福很多。感谢!“ 看到这么温柔贴心的赞美,一天的心情都明媚起来了!人生在世知音不易,只能将所有感动都化作心底的力量源泉,继续为你们做“记忆拾遗者”,把平常日子中散落的各种欢乐瞬间都一一用镜头珍藏起来,凝固为永恒的幸福美好!