从麻麻人生的第一组孕妇照,到哥哥的新生儿照,周岁照,两岁纪念……我习惯了每年都为这美好有趣的一家子预先留好拍摄档期,然后热切期盼着重聚,为他们记录新的一年里更多的珍贵瞬间。当然完成欢乐的拍摄之后,也少不了顺便一起举盏言欢,catch up近况……直到一场突如其来的疫情,让我们“例行”的拍摄嘎然中断了两年。今年我们终于盼到了这场迟到的记录,来到他们漂亮的新家里,为这个小家庭的新成员弟弟拍摄人生中第一组纪实。哥哥两年未见,已然是个小男子汉,已经可以有模有样的和爸爸一起做木工活了!久别重逢,我们都感慨着一场疫情让人懂得世事无常,也更加珍惜相濡以沫的小确幸。而钟情于记录此刻当下真挚情感的家庭纪实摄影,则是我们出于对生活那份执着的热爱,不约而同寻找到的答案。

I’m so grateful for having met KK’s family. From mom’s first maternity shoot, to KK’s newborn session, then one year session, 2 years…I’ve gotten so used to reserving the annual session date for this lovely family, and then having an incredible time with them, which always ends with a great meal with even better conversations together…until the pandemic put a pause on our “traditional” for two years. Finally, we made this overdue session happen this summer! I got to visit their beautiful new house for the first time, and document their life with a new addition to the family, KK’s little brother! KK has grown so much and can already be daddy’s little helper doing carpentry work! This pandemic has prompted us to treasure the present. Driven by our passions for life, we have chosen documentary family photography as our answer.