As a family photographer, I always enjoy the challenge of a senior portrait session. This beautiful mom reached out to me for a story session for her 17-year-old son. As many teenage boys, her son’s reaction to his mom’s idea was “whatever…I don’t really care, as long as I get to play basketball”! :D His passion for basketball definitely shined through our session, plus his true nature – a sweet, kind and talented young man who is on his way to achieve many amazing things!

当这位特别温柔美丽的麻麻找到我想要为17岁的儿子拍摄一组少年时代的纪念照片时,我欣然接受了这个挑战。这位小帅哥从小就特别热爱和擅长篮球运动,所以他的要求很简单:”只要有篮球就行!“ 我们的拍摄成果大大超出预期(这明明就是韩剧偶像照好吧?; ) 妈妈也非常自豪欣慰!很开心能为这位优秀的大男孩记录下他成长道路上的里程碑。向着未来努力奔跑吧少年!