Sometimes you meet such wonderful people with whom you hit it off right away, and wonder if your paths are destined to cross somehow. It’s even more amazing when this person becomes your client and you get to document the most previous memories for her family! This beautiful mommy’s birthday is just one day before mine, and we had a such a great time during her session. Needless to say, she was completely blown away by the end results! We already cant’ wait for our next session to photograph her new baby!

有时候我们会遇到意气相投,一见如故的人,忍不住觉得似乎是冥冥之中命运的安排让我们相遇。而如果这个人还正好是你的客户,你有幸为她记录下最珍贵的人生阶段的温馨回忆,那更是妙不可言!而且这位美妈的生日还正好比我只早一天!: ) 拍摄的过程我俩都超级享受,最后的创作成果也让她激动赞叹不已!我们已经都等不及宝宝的周岁照拍摄啦!