上次见到漂亮可爱的混血B宝还是在她七个月大时的温馨家庭记录。今年B宝有了个可爱的小弟弟,两个宝贝的枫叶室外亲子照真是萌翻天!爸爸妈妈也超级可爱,和两个宝贝玩的不亦乐乎,还特意告诉我咱们的拍摄特别fun。其实我何尝不是超享受和你们分享的这段珍贵的孩子童年时光呢?这些可爱的小东西们真是转眼就长大了,能有这么多美好的时刻被记录下来,真好。谢谢你们!: )

The last time I saw little B was at her 7-month-old session. This year, with the new addition of a beautiful baby boy to the family, and the autumn foliage in its full glory, we’ve captured so many gorgeous moments together. Daddy and Mommy told me that the session was great fun for the whole family, and the feeling is totally mutual! Thank you for inviting me to appreciate and document these precious and fun childhood memories for your adorable little ones!