Of all the families that I've had the luck to photograph, this family touched me deeply. Both Mom and Dad were designers and so we had a lot in common to begin with. They adore my style and vision. More importantly, they are such warm and genuine people. Daddy even gave me a bear hug after their viewing session and thanked me excitedly: "You took such good care of us before, during and after the session! We feel that you are like our mom!" Huh? : ) Their images are filled with so much love and emotions. I am so happy and honoured to be assigned the mission to "fill that huge blank wall in our house with your photos every year"! 

在和我有缘相遇的家庭中,这是让我特别深受感动的一家人。爸爸妈妈都曾经从事艺术设计,和我聊起来格外投机。但更重要的是,他们都是直来直去的性情中人,选片结束之后,激动地给了我一个大大的拥抱:“你把拍摄前后所有的细节都打理得无微不至,拍摄时还那么注意照顾我们的情绪,简直就像我们的妈妈一样!” 心里暖暖的,好幸福……️珍惜知遇之恩,期待着为你们填满家里那面为我“预留”的照片墙!