每年必找我拍摄亲子写真的老客户一家人这次别出心裁,请我去国家森林公园为他们和朋友跟拍一整天的游玩。有什么比大自然更能让孩子们尽情自由放飞的呢?烧烤野餐、游泳、戏水、划充气筏、玩ninja挑战、骑自行车……欢乐童年时光在镜头中凝聚成为全家人永恒珍藏的美好回忆!真心感谢老客户多年以来的信任和支持,是你们给我源源不断的感动、温暖和为你们创作更多精彩作品的灵感与动力 😘!

I photographed this family every year for the past 4 years. And this time, we are heading to the Parc national de la Yamaska to document their special adventure with their close friends! Nature brings out the best and wildest part in kids. We enjoyed so much the picnic, swimming in the lake, boating, ninja courses, riding bike…and went home with happy memories and so many amazing photos!