这是一次美丽的冬季邂逅!和这位美妈约拍前聊天就发现我们各种投缘。拍摄当天不巧碰到宝贝有起床气,但这可难不倒身经百战的我 : ) 不但趁机记录下妈妈温柔安慰的有爱画面,还收获了好多美不胜收的日落外景美照!看到成片她特别开心,告诉我这些照片”就是我想象中的样子“。来自知音的欣赏和赞美,真的就是让我在家庭纪实摄影这条路上坚定不移走了十年之久的力量和灵感来源!深深感恩!

This is another beautiful winter session! Mommy and I really hit it off on our phone consultation before the session. Even though her daughter threw a bit of temper tantrum after being woken up from her nap : ), we still totally nailed the session and even took advantage of the occasion by capturing the tender moments when mommy tried to comfort her teary-eyed baby girl. And topping it all off with an amazing sunset!! Mommy was so thrilled with her gallery and told me that “this is exactly what I envisioned my maternity session to be”! I feel immensely grateful for all the love from client-friend like her, who made my ten-year journey in family documentary photography such a rewarding and inspiring one!