中日混血的小美女E宝实在是太太太萌了!麻麻还有心地准备了传统和服来拍摄抓周仪式。拍手唱歌,和麻麻一起分享最爱的日式饭团,依偎在麻麻怀里撒娇喝奶都是E宝平时最爱做的事,这些珍贵回忆被镜头一一记取。Cake smash虽然E宝情绪不太好但还是充分发挥小吃货本色,边流着泪边往嘴里塞蛋糕 : )。爸爸平日也是带娃主力军,全家人一起在公园里散步,吹泡泡,笑声不断,落日余晖为我们这次完美的家庭纪实拍摄在记忆中永远镶上了温柔的光环!

One-year-old Little E is half-Chinese and half Japanese, so mommy prepared beautiful wafukus for this special occasion. We documented so many E’s favourite activities — clapping hands, eating onigiri with mommy, drinking milk on mommy’s laps…and even though E wasn’t in a good mood during the cake smash, she still enjoyed her cake very much! : ) A stroll in the park at beautiful sunset is the perfect ending to this joy-filled session!