六年前的老客户在搬离蒙特利尔前找我拍摄了一组亲子照外景,相谈甚欢,从此结缘。今年他们带着女儿故地重游,请我再次出马,为他们记录下旅途的快乐时光!拍到一半突然下起暴雨,雨后天空惊现一道彩虹,为拍摄带来有如神助的惊喜!所谓念念不忘,必有回响,妈妈看到这次的作品,兴奋不已的发来贺电:”亲爱的,太感谢了,拍的太好了。我们一边看一边惊叹,我们此行最珍贵的留念!” 感谢你们的信任和记得。看到当初的那个小小baby变成了一个眼里有光的甜美小妞,在爸爸妈妈的温柔陪伴下看世界,对摄影师来说,才是最开心感动的事。

Six years ago, the mom contacted me for a “goodbye to Montreal" family session before leaving the city where their baby girl was born. Now they are visiting Montreal with their little girl, and I’m so glad to document their happy memories in this special place once again! It showered half way through our session, and that beautiful rainbow was totally icing on the cake! Mom was so excited after viewing the gallery and messaged me: “Darling, thank you so much! You are amazing. We couldn’t help marvelling at all the images. They are our most previous souvenir from this trip!” Thank YOU for the love and trust. It’s a true blessing for a photographer to see how that little baby has grown up to be a sweet and confident girl loved so fiercely by mommy and daddy!